Sunday, 24 January 2016

Protection Spells


Spells to Protect Pets
With some level of emotion hold the image of your kitties being safe in your
mind. Feel your desire for their continued safety. If one is gone from your side
imagine what it will be like when your pet returns. Rough out the images as
clearly as you can. You can incorporate this technique into other, more
structured, ritual forms.
To keep your cats free from fleas, soak garlic in olive oil and mix a tablespoon
of the oil in with their food daily. (I would add that, while you soak the
garlic and whenever you place it in the cat’s dish, you might visualize the
fleas jumping off the cat and never coming back.)
Take some fur of the cat (shed fur will do nicely). Tie fur into a bunch with
some red thread (silk by preference, although cotton or even acrylic will do).
Invoke the blessing of your patron deity. Place consecrated fur into a canister
(the following is imperative!). The canister must be reflective on the outside,
but NOT on the inside (If the canister is reflective on the inside, it will
focus malicious intent on the cats!). Seal the canister with red wax (just a dab
will do) Place canister next to cat’s usual exit. Red is the color of
protection, silk is an insulator, the reflective canister reflects malicious
intent, the blessing is for extra whammy to the spell.
To Safeguard the Cook and Kitchen
Aloe has long been considered a magical/medicinal plant. Grow one in your
kitchen, or as near your kitchen as you can, to safeguard you from nasty kitchen
accidents such as cuts and burns. Dab some aloe gel on your major kitchen
appliances, tools, doors and windows to safeguard them as well.
Garlic is well known for its protective qualities. Place a bulb of garlic on
your kitchen window, or hang a rope of garlic in your kitchen. Do not ever use
these for food–remember, they are there collecting negative energy.
Periodically, remove the garlic and bury in the earth. Remember to thank the
garlic and the earth for their service to you.
A Kitchen Witch Bottle will protect your food from contamination or burning.
There are many ways of constructing these, but I like to put three needles,
three pins and three iron nails into a jar filled with salt. Seal it tightly and
shake it vigorously nine times. Place three dabs of red wax along the seal.
While you’re constructing your Kitchen Witch Bottle, visualize your kitchen as a
peaceful, safe place, full of delicious aromas, and savory food. Place your
Kitchen Witch Bottle on a top shelf of your cupboard where it will not be
To Make a Purification Broom
From time to time it is necessary to purify our home because of sickness,
conflict in the home, etc. Many witches also like to purify the home in the
spring, and Ostara, the upcoming Spring Equinox, is a traditional time to make
our brooms and use them. I like to make short brooms for this ritual because
they’re easier to use, but you may make a longer one if you like.
You will need a straight branch, approximately 12 to 18 inches long and ½ inch
in diameter (if you can’t find a branch, a dowel will do), scissors, raffia and
a bowl of salt water. You will also need bunches of any of the following plants:
cedar, fennel, lavender, rosemary, or broom. Ideally, these plants should come
from your magickal garden.
Assemble your tools and materials and create a sacred space to work in. Charge
the branch and plant materials by taking each in turn in your hands and sending
purifying energies into them. Visualize a white cleansing light emanating from
your hands and being absorbed by the branch and plants. Take the raffia and tie
three circles on one end of the branch while you say: “I bind you in
purification.” Now take several stalks of the plant materials, leafy ends down,
and place them around the end of the branch with the three loops of raffia (to
form a round broom shape). Visualize the white light, and tie three loops around
the branch and plants. Place another layer of plant material around the branch,
tie three more loops while you visualize. Do this until your broom is as full as
you want. Tie the end of the raffia three times around the branch and plants,
pull the end through some of the loops and tie three knots. Snip off the excess
raffia. Thank the branch and plant materials for their sacrifice.
Sprinkle some of the salt water on the broom sweeps and visualize all negative
forces melting away. Now walk to your door, open it and vigorously sweep close
to the floor (you don’t actually have to sweep the floor). Visualize all
negativity being swept out the door. Now moving clockwise around the house,
sweep each door and window and at the upper and lower corners of each room. When
you’ve made your way back to the door, open it again, sweep out, then shake your
broom vigorously three times to shake away anything that stuck to it. Leave it
outside your door, do not bring it in again. At your first opportunity, take it
apart and bury all the materials.
Sit in a comfortable place away from noise and distraction. Close your eyes and
visualize a white silken cord in your hands. Now visualize tying a knot. Watch
your fingers lacing the ends of the cord around each other, feel the cord’s
silken texture between your fingers and on the palms of your hands. Watch as you
slip one end of the cord through a loop and pull both ends into a secure, tight
knot. Do this exercise often. You will use this technique in binding spells.

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